Selection of catalysts for the biggest refining company of Türkiye (6. biggest in Europe) since 1994 till 2016

  1. Three Hydrocrackers (high conversion >92 % conversion)- since yr. 1994
  2. One Two Stage Hydrocracker
  3. Three High Pressure Diesel Desulphurisation Units- since yr. 2000
  4. CCR Reformer Units- since yr. 2000
  5. Semi Regen Reformers Units, 2 Units – since yr.1994
  6. Diesel Desulphuriser Units, >3 units- since yr. 1994
  7. Isomerisation Units, 2 units- since yr. 2000,

Hydrogen Production Units (SMR&Shift conversion), 2 units – since 1994

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